

Pedodontics is a branch of dentistry that aims to protect milk and permanent teeth in a healthy way and deals with the problems caused by conditions such as caries and trauma in these teeth. Pedodontics deals with children in the 0-12 age group called science. A dentist who specializes in pedodontics should be consulted without delay in any complaint and/or pain of the child.

pedodontiThe aim is primarily to ensure that the milk teeth remain in the mouth in a healthy way and that their place is protected. There is a perception that there is no need for intervention in families because the milk teeth will change afterward. However, decay or early loss of milk teeth causes crooked future permanent teeth and insufficient development of the jawbone.

Dental caries is one of the most common chronic diseases of childhood. Untreated bruises can cause pain and infections that can lead to problems with eating, speaking, playing and learning.

What should be done for the oral and dental care of babies?
  • Wipe the gums with a soft, clean cloth twice a day to wipe away bacteria and sugars, in the morning after the first feeding and just before bed.
  • Once the teeth have erupted, start brushing twice a day with a soft, small-bristled toothbrush and plain water.
  • Visit the dentist on your baby’s first birthday to spot symptoms early.

What should be done for the oral and dental care of children?
  • If your child is younger than 6, watch their brushes.
  • Make sure they use a pea-sized amount of fluoride toothpaste on top of their toothbrush and always spit instead of swallowing.
  • Help your child brush their teeth until they have good brushing skills.

What can the dentist do to prevent caries formation?

There are different methods to prevent caries formation. Fluoride varnish and fluoride toothpaste are very helpful in preventing cavities.

In addition, fissure sealant can be applied in cases where the fissures on the teeth (pits on the chewing surface) are very deep and difficult to clean. Thanks to this application, the probability of tooth decay will be reduced.

The eruption of milk teeth and permanent teeth

Usually about 4 teeth come out every 6 months.

In girls, teeth usually erupt earlier than in boys.

The lower teeth usually erupt before the upper teeth.

The teeth in both jaws usually come out in pairs – one on the right and the other on the left.

Milk teeth are smaller and whiter in color than permanent teeth.

By the time a child is 2 to 3 years old, all milk teeth will erupt.

Shortly after the age of 4, the child’s jaw and facial bones begin to grow and gaps form between the milk teeth. This is an excellent natural growth process that provides the necessary space for larger permanent teeth to emerge. Between the ages of 6 and 12, a mix of both primary and permanent teeth is present in the mouth.